Guidance card for this week. This is for you.....
Be true to who you really are, and your life will change in the most amazing ways.
Your soul is whispering softly to you at all times. You cannot hear it is you are in a a state of constant anxiety, worry and fear. You are being asked to take time out to listen to the needs of your soul.
Are you living your life in alignment with your authentic self or are you living your life based on what other people think you should do? The card is asking you to get quiet, go into a meditative state, and ask your soul to gently guide you to step into alignment with your authentic self, your true self. When you show up in the world in a way that is authentic and genuine, and stay true to who you really are, your life will start to shift and miracles will happen. Be true to who you really are, and your life will change in the most amazing ways possible.